Unleaded : P36.37 / Liter
USD 1.00 : 48.83 Php
Where was Google when I was in high school. Aside from churning out bits of useful info, turns out it also calculates. Serendipitously found a way to convert those stats up there in US units without breaking a sweat. Typed "36.37 PHP per liter in USD per gallon", hit Google search and ta-dah!
36.37 (Philippine pesos per liter) = 2.81925354 U.S. dollars per US gallon
Hmm. Looks like Bush's war is costing us more to move around than it does his minions. How's that for a freaking factoid.
If you want to do your own Google calculations, click here. Come back with your startling stats.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Gasoline through the Google machine
Posted by
10:52 PM
Labels: Web
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Golden Globezzzz...
I hear nothing earthshaking happened at that awards show earlier so I don't think I'm staying up for the late night telecast. Borat's speech was supposed to be the highlight (yep, jolted everyone in room from drunken stupor) and I already caught that on the prime time broadcast a few hours back.
So why am I here? Just to gloat about Alec Baldwin's win which I called a few posts back (yes, I was the first one in all the world). Been downloading the latest eps a day or two after they air. My DSL and HDD haven't been put to better use in a long time.
Posted by
11:18 PM
Labels: TV
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Good News on Brother Ely
We've all been on pins and needles the past few days waiting for more news on Ely Buendia's condition. Some good news tonight.
Ely underwent an "almost perfect" procedure according to wife Diane. Full recovery is expected. Video here.
During the second angioplasty, a third blockage found and cleared. Jessica Zafra's blog post here.
Keeping our fingers crossed everything turns out well indeed.
Posted by
2:38 AM
Labels: News, Radio/Music
Monday, January 08, 2007
Don't text and drive.
A text exchange between an Atenista and a UP friend. Today 5:48 pm.
Atenista : Meron ka bang itchyworms?
UP-ista: Caset. Great concept album. Matatalino dahil peyups.
No wondr it won sa rak awards
A : Mga atenista po yan.
U : UP. Parokya yun.
A : Taeneo yan sorry to disappoint.
Got their name from the higad sa puno sa quadrangle NAMIN.
U : Mabuhay mga tenista.
A : Mabuhay ang mga taga up. Kala nila mga atenista sila
U : It's d other way around.
A : Hendeh. Kala mo skulmeyt mo sila. Di ka naman taenista.
U : Eraserheads, yano, tame d tikbalang, buklod, ROMY LEE, etc. I rest my case.
A : Wow napikon. At least kelan man di namin sila inangkin!!!
I rest my fucking case. Mababangga ako sayo.
U : U shtartd it.
Posted by
3:19 AM
Labels: 'Burbs and the City, Radio/Music
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Same Job, New Year
Had no plans of going to work today but by 9am my old geezer of a boss was on my cell telling me to see him the minute I step in the office. Which was his way of telling me his holiday has ended and so should mine.
So I went and made sure I had face time with the geezer at once to let him see my street clothes and unshaved mug. Which was my way of telling him that it's still the first day of the year in some parts of the world, which he'd realize as soon as he pulled out that stick up his ass from last year.
Posted by
11:22 PM